Wednesday, 3 November 2010

One month in....

Well here I am. A new academic year, a new month. I thought - why not? Lets start a new blog and allow some freedomw for these random thoughts, reflections, worries and joys about my PhD. Three years is a long time not to have somewhere more open to share these kind of thoughts, and maybe - just maybe - there will be other people out there who I can share some of these thoughts with?

Sometime over the next three years hopefully we will also be buying a house, so I will have to let my steam off somewhere.

So, for those of you not sure what I'm even trying to research, here it is:
teaching and learning observations in Further Education. What are they all about, what is the use of them, what impact are they having on teachers and students and most importantly, what can we do to improve them?

As a writer, not only of academic stuff but also of creative stories, I'm attempting to find a way of integrating literary theory into my work (either as a methodology or performance-based research), but of course things are at an early stage.Is anyone else out there attempting this kind of approach?

I'm starting by writing my motivations - my personal learning journey for getting this far. It was the quickest 5000 words I have ever written! So here we are, getting started - writing a little, reading alot and talking to as many people as I can.

I'll let you know how I get on.....

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